Carlton’s Systematic Hypocrisy #RHOBH

I didn’t get to watch the show yet because the stream was messed up last night so I could only hear the sound, and it’s not posted online yet. And Bravo hates Canadians. The usual.
Carlton of course didn’t put her blog up yet, I assume that’s because she’s desperately trying to figure out what she can possibly write to make people hate her less.
I have the answer for that: nothing.
She hasn’t even tweeted anything since the 2nd. I assume she’s in her church house hiding from the massive negative energy being directed her way.

Since I don’t have a recap yet I made a list of Life Rules According to Carlton. I suggest you all study them so you can learn how to be more positive, open minded, loving people.

Lesson 1:
– Killing bee’s in your back yard = You are evil and full of negative energy
– Eating meat from animals that spend their lives suffering in factory farms and are killed in inhumane ways so that you can stuff your face on a sidewalk = You are full of love and light and are one with nature

(Click here to watch the Docu: Food Inc)

This is the best thing I ate all week. Actually, it's the only thing I ate this week.

But this isn’t an animal, it’s a hamburger!

– Playing with Dolphins that are locked in a watery prison for your child’s entertainment = expressing your love of animals.

(Click here to watch the Docu: Black Fish)

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How are we gonna show our love if we can’t kiss them??

– Clipping a bird’s wings so they can’t fly away from your cheesy family photo =  Totally OK!!

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They’re only being tortured a bit, not murdered

– But don’t fuck with Bee’s or spiders. Their lives are PRECIOUS.

Lesson 2:
– Asking someone if they have a Star of David tattoo when you know they’re not Jewish =  you are rude and ignorant
– Having a Cross tattoo when you’re not Christian = you are edgy and cool

Lesson 3:
– Not believing in curses = Complete disrespect of all things Wiccan
– Not believing in Jesus = Why would you believe in something that isn’t a part of your religion? Duh.

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Is this the equivalent of Kyle dressing her daughters up as witches?

Lesson 4:
Asking questions about Wicca = disrespecting the Wiccan religion
Having a confessional in your home and having sex in  = showing you respect for Christianity

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Lesson 5:
– Making a joke about Lisa’s nipple = horrifyingly offensive
– Having naked women show their nipples to your house guests = displaying your respect and appreciate for women

Lesson 6:
– Reality =  something that is subjective to your opinions and what you feel like believing
– Dreams = a true representation of things that are actually happening when you’re not around

I hope you all learned something. Now stop being so negative and get out there and spread some love and light by doing the exact opposite of everything you preach!

And I just had to share this absolutely beautiful poem I found on Carlton’s Bravo Blog:

Roses are red,
Carlton is blue,
‘Cause Kyle didn’t like the smell of poo in her loo.


  1. Priceless -LMAO

    She’s a Wiccan Protestant – a different branch of Wicca didn’t you know?! She could very well turn into the Wicca Jim Jones –

  2. Joyce is beginning to look like a candidate for Mensa around Carlton. Carlton insults the hostesses of the birthday party by proclaiming she doesn’t care that the guests of honor are having birthdays; so being the lovely guest she is, she starts a fight over nothing and escalates it to finger-pointing and shouting over more nothing; then she indignantly walks out as if she’s the offended party, doubly offending the hostess and birthday guests by not even saying goodbye.

    Carlton’s only saving grace is this entire fight was so off-the-wall ridiculous, in my head I hear the director in the background saying, “Okay, now Carlton, jump on Kyle, insult her and ruin the event, embarrassing everyone at the table. Now Kyle, jump back…keep it going…yeah, that’s good. Carlton, bring up that stupid tattoo argument you made up out of nothing so brilliantly. Yes! Now Kyle, slam it home with the anti-Semite accusation! Woohoo! Now Carlton, get up to leave, acting as immature and indignant as you can muster, considering this is all so fake, nobody will believe it, but who cares? Bravo viewers are dumb as rocks or they wouldn’t be watching anyway, right?!”

    Yeah, that’s me, dumb as rocks for watching any of this crap. I blame you, PYHU! And all the other good bloggers who make me laugh at all of it. Without y’all I’d come to my senses quickly, click to another channel, or just go to bed and get a good night’s sleep, since the back of my eyelids is infinitely superior to this idiocy.

    1. Very good explanation except what is PYHU? The only thing I came up with is “put your head up”. I’m a female Phil (Modern Family). Why The Face?

  3. Dear Carlton

    There is something seriously wrong with u, please go away, thank u

    a Bravo viewer

      1. I never even started watching NJ from S1 till YOU made me do it with your hysterical recaps. When you weren’t writing them I quit watching again because I just couldn’t do it without the promise of a good belly laugh afterwards. *sigh* Must I subject myself to those nut-jobs again?

  4. So I guess I cannot get a regular subscription to this site without Having a WordPress
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    It makes me sad this won’t come to my mailbox on a regular basis.

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