The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills – Escape from The Witch On The Mountain

Since Carlton has done just about everything possible to suck the class out of RHOBH, Lisa and Kyle decide to throw a black tie dinner for their husband’s birthdays to try to make up for all the sex toys and stripper poles we’ve had to endure so far.

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What is happening to the side of Kyle’s eye in this picture?

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Brandi is doing a photo shoot for her new book. She took a lot of beautiful photos, but for the cover they chose the last picture of the day where her makeup was wearing off and her hair was starting to go flat. I don’t think Brandi’s publisher lady likes her very much.

Loved this dress

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Super sexyScreen shot 2014-02-04 at 9.27.03 PM


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Brandi’s next book needs to be called Drinking And How It Led To Rehab

Joyce and Carlton meet for lunch because Joyce wants to discuss the spell she doesn’t believe in that made her husband sick. He’s at home hiding in the closet waiting to hear the outcome of the lunch.
Joyce just needs to know that Carlton won’t be doing any more fake spells. Carlton is OFFENDED that Joyce would accuse her of doing something that she said she would do.
She calls Joyce flippant. Joyce doesn’t know what that means. Fuck, can someone buy the woman a dictionary app for her iPhone?

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Joyce also wants Carlton to agree that she isn’t going to push her children down a flight of stairs or anything like that. Again Carlton is OFFENDED. She would never hurt a child. Ever. Witchcraft is all about sacrificing babies, not children. Once they can walk and talk their blood isn’t fresh anymore. Geeze Joyce educate yourself. Google it like Yolanda did

Screen shot 2014-02-04 at 9.27.34 PMMiraculously Carlton and Joyce seem to move past it and by the end of the lunch they’re actually getting along. I hope these two remain friends so next season they can go to lunch and discuss how much they miss being on Housewives.

Kim’s daughter is leaving for college and they decided to get matching tattoo’s before she goes. Kim is boring but I’m afraid being on this show is the only thing stopping her from drinking herself to death. I’m not a monster, so I’ll endure her scenes if it will save a life. Consider it my charity for the week.

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Put mine on the arm without the track marks please

Yolanda…. uhhh fuck it I don’t care. Let’s skip to the dinner.

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Lisa’s house is fucking amazing. It has a moat, and a name! I don’t really understand the
store-front style doors but whatever. Villa Rosa looks like something out of a fairy tale and this shit is the reason why we watch Beverly Hills. We wanna see disgusting wealth, not disgusting women. If I wanted to watch trash bags on stripper poles I would re watch Season One of New Jersey.

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Lisa was expecting synchronized swimmers for her party, but something got lost in translation when the booking was made and she ended up with two strippers who weren’t sure what to do when they were told they wouldn’t be taking their clothes off. It was awkward at first, but then one of them slipped and everyone found that incredibly entertaining so it all turned out ok.

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Carlton thinks Lisa should have hired her pole dancers instead. I think everyone would have preferred to stare at an empty pool rather than see any more of Carlton’s sex workers and their swinging cellulite.

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Carlton spent the first part of the party sitting on her husbands lap. At this point I can’t tell if it’s annoying me because this isn’t a high school dance and it’s not appropriate to be sitting on your husbands lap at a black tie dinner, or if I’m annoyed because I hate Carlton and everything she does annoys me.

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Brandi’s already drunk and Ken helps her walk to the bathroom so she can throw up and make more room for her vodka cleanse. Sheanna pretends to be concerned about Brandi’s hand and uses the opportunity to flash her new ring in Brandi’s face. Brandi thanks Sheanna for her fake concern and for ruining her marriage. Sheanna says you’re welcome…
Why am I being forced to put up with these cunts when I’m trying to watch RHOBH?

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Everyone sits down at the dinner table and they all seem to be having a good time. A street beggar with a guitar managed to sneak in and play a couple cords before being escorted out by security, but they don’t let that ruin the party. Pandora’s present to Ken is a self portrait.  This prompts a joke about nipples and that’s when the decent into madness begins.

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Carlton still refuses to concede (Hi Joyce, concede means: to admit that something is true after first resisting it) that nipple-gate actually isn’t a big deal.
Maybe Lisa’s nipples offend her because they’re too old? Maybe she only likes young stripper nipples?
Kyle really want Carlton to get the joke, so asks Lisa to please tell her the story. Oh excuse me, I didn’t mean to be rude. Kyle asks Lisa to please tell she the story. But her doesn’t want to hear it. Her’s OFFENDED.

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But dahlings, why are we fighting over whole nipples when it was only 3/4 of a nipple?

Kyle continues her systematic disrespect by referring to Carlton with a pronoun used to refer to a female person!
Carlton is offended and appalled at Kyle’s hideous behavior. Kyle calmly reminds her that it’s her husbands birthday. Carlton replies that she DOESN’T CARE. It’s not about YOU Kyle!

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I don’t care who’s birthday it is. I’m here for ME to get famous, not for anyone else!

Now shit is getting real. Carlton is talking about things that happened in her dreams again and how rude it was of Kyle not to enjoy the smell of her poo. Carlton’s shit don’t stink and how dare anyone say otherwise! She’s offended.
Carlton is kinda making no sense at all and Kyle is trying to understand what the hell is going on but Carlton keeps interrupting her. She tells Carlton to let her speak and Carlton yells back Don’t you dare command me!

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What the… what does that even mean? 

Kyle’s all confused because she thought they were in a better place now. I believe Kyle is sincere in her confusion because I saw her on Days of Our Lives and she isn’t that good of an actress. Carlton laugh’s that Kyle was stupid enough to think she actually wanted to be friends with her.

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Kyle’s fed up at this point tells Carlton to stop acting like a witch. *Gasp*
Carlton is so happy she can barely contain her excitement. She finally managed to bait Kyle into saying something she can actually be offended by. She even claps for her! Mission accomplished!

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Told ya I could get her to say it. You owe me $100 Lisa!

Kyle wants to know why Carlton accepted her necklace when she clearly didn’t have any intentions of being her friend. Obviously she’s a liar, and Kyle wants an explanation.
Carlton doesn’t want to admit that she just wanted a free necklace and manages to deflects the accusation by bringing up tattoo-gate.
Oh for fucks sake. Here we go with the stupid tattoo again.

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Why would I get a tattoo of your star when mine is clearly the better star? I’m OFFENDED

Jewish stars have 6 points. Carlton’s star has 5 points. FIVE!  Not six. See the difference? They’re not the same number.
Kyle clearly never learned how to count because she was too busy being a child actress, and Carlton is extremely offended by this.
Kyle says that being offended by the fact that she never learned how to count doesn’t make any sense, and the only logical explanation is that Carlton just hates Jewish people and doesn’t want anyone to think she would put their ugly star on her neck.

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You’re a Nazi Witch. It’s the only logical explanation.

It appears to me that Carlton is simply offended by Kyle’s existence the same way Kelly was offended by Bethenny being a chef. It’s creepy. And it makes no sense.

All this arguing and non sense making is causing my head to hurt. The rest of the argument continued something like this:

I think you should give my friendship necklace backScreen shot 2014-02-04 at 9.31.02 PM

Don’t be an Indian giver KyleScreen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.06.40 AM

That’s not a nice thing to say about IndiansScreen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.05.56 AM

Don’t say Indians that’s racist. They’re called Native Americans.Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.06.08 AM

You’re the one that called them Indians first. Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.07.59 AM

No you said it first! You said it last week in my dream. You were saying terrible things about Indians and Native Americans and British people too!Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.07.19 AM

Listen Carlton, by accepting that necklace you were agreeing to enter into a friendship with myself, known in this agreement as Kyle Richards. When you took possession of the before mentioned necklace, you accepted the terms of my friendship. If you wish to terminate said friendship you are required to return the necklace within 30 days of submitting your written notice of termination. If you fail to comply with the conditions of this friendship contract I will sue you.Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.10.05 AM

I had to burn that thing in acid just to get the negative energy out of my house. That wasn’t a true friendship necklace. It was a trojan necklace. And not the kind of Trojans I like.
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If you didn’t want it you could have at least given it to charityScreen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.05.56 AM

I had to destroy it. It was the only way to prevent your negative energy from spreading and eventually infecting the entire world like a zombie outbreak.Screen shot 2014-02-04 at 9.30.50 PM

That doesn’t make any sense Carlton
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I command you to shut the fuck up. How about that you dumb witch.Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.06.47 AM

This is systematic disrespect. You are disgusting and vile and putrid – the exact opposite of my poo which smells like bloody roses!Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.06.55 AM

Your poo smells like blood and roses?Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.07.59 AM

Shut up Kyle you know what I meant.Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.07.46 AM

Are you a Catholic Egyptian by any chance?Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.10.05 AM

I’m a Wiccan and I’m OFFENDED that you would ask me that!Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.07.46 AM

Then why are you wearing and Onk and a Cross on your fingers?Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.10.53 AM

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How DARE you insult my religion!Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.09.46 AM

I didn’t I’m just asking….Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.11.02 AM

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But I…Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.05.56 AM

ZIP IT!Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.09.46 AM

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IT !Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 12.09.46 AM

OMG! Go to sleep!! GO TO SLEEP!!!Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 1.26.51 AM

And there it is. I knew you had it in you to say something like that and you just proved it. I’m taking my Jelly Bean and I’m going home!Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 1.16.14 AM

Jelly Bean is what I call my husband.Screen shot 2014-02-05 at 1.13.49 AM

Congratulations Carlton. You just forced a million people onto Kyle’s side.
Obviously everyone has to pick a side because we can’t remain neutral in times like this. Dinner party fights are our Super Bowl!
And obviously we can’t be on Carlton’s side. So Team Kyle it is. I hope you’re proud of yourself Carlton.

Next week Carlton is going to cry because she lived in South Africa and apparently that’s another reason for her to be offended by everything!

So until then, adios lunatics.
(Hey, a word Joyce can understand!)


  1. PYHU you fucking bitch (not really). I’m trying to not laugh like a fucking hyena during my son’s karate class. My own fault for reading. You’re so damn good though. Like wine. And RHOBH. Who can resist? LOL

    Thank you for the laugh!

  2. Another great one RCH! Carlton IS the KKB of BH. She goes a tad overboard and by a tad I mean completely off the rails on a one way trip to Crazytown. I hate to say it but am I the only one who thinks Lisa needs a stylist or if she has one, she needs a new one? For some reason she is reminding me of Lilly Munster just a bit…..and by just a bit I mean completely. The hair is too much and the dress is too fussy. *written as I sit here in big blue flannel drawstring pants…see they aren’t plaid so I can totally critique fashion*

  3. Haa! This dinners are our Super Bowl! Hysterical! Thank you for the Blog! I missed your great sense of humor! I am glad someone posted a link!

  4. So funny! Carlton The Witch really is the KKB of Beverly Hills. Her paranoia over that friendship necklace reminds me of Kelly’s reaction to Bethenny’s gift bag. Those preview tears for next week are because Carlton is having a breakthrough (not a breakdown!). She’s going to save those tears in a vial and use them in a spell that will turn Kyle into a ho-bag cook.

    1. Kelly thought the gift bag was creepy
      Carlton thought the necklace had bad energy

      Kelly had a dream that Bethanny was stabbing her
      Carlton has a dream that Kyle was talking shit

      Kelly constantly attacked Bethanny then accused her of systematic bullying
      Carlton constantly baits Kyle then accuses her of systematic disrespect

      The both get SUPER defensive over anything having to do with the CHILDREN

      They both cling to their version of events even after watching the show and seeing that they were wrong

      Carlton is not as bad as KKB… but she’s not too far behind.

      1. One exception to that comparison chart, dearie (Lisa reference snuck in there):

        I think Carlton is 10 times worse than KKB. KKB’s logic was so scattered, trying to follow her rat-a-tat-tat speech patterns down the rabbit hole was very much like falling into Wonderland. She seemed vulnerable in her nonsensical world, if arrogant.

        Carlton, on the other cross, is just mean with her nastiness. She has no redeeming qualities that I’ve seen so far. None.

  5. Did anyone else pick up on the comment Carlton made about Joyce mispronouncing that word? She said “bless her little heart”. I wonder who she was asking to bless her? Satan himself? Great blog I too am over Yolanda as well.

  6. Oh my…it was worth the wait…so love your recap. Gives the stupidity some real clarity…like yeah…she be crazy and all dat! Thanks…keep them coming!

  7. OMG. I swear I just read this! This is what you were doing while I was doing what I did…or something. lol However, I give you full credit for being a trailblazer on this format: I stole it from you fair and square!

    So for anyone who wonders WTF I’m talking about, here’s my blog on this episode–but it’s a little different point of view:

    What I love about your observations, RCH, is you nail the absurd contradictions of what these women say and do: “Joyce and Carlton meet for lunch because Joyce wants to discuss the spell she doesn’t believe in that made her husband sick.” lol It’s hard to imagine these women can be so clueless sometimes. Must be from carrying around all that hair, botox, and saline.

    [Sorry to be shilling on your blog, RCH, but…I am. :-p ]

      1. Hey, I do have a burning question, now that I’m looking at the photo of Lisa and Ken cackling away over how stupid Kevin Lee is going to look in his underwear.

        MARTIN. You remember him? He’s at so many parties, in the background. What I also remember is Lisa set Kim up with him way back when Kim was sneaking off to Mohamad’s Palace Lobby for a snort during dinner.

        Does anyone remember what Lisa first said about him? I mean, FIRST THING? “He’s an old, dear friend of ours who just got out of prison…” or something similar. Did I imagine that?

        Because at the time, I thought, pffft! The bloggers will be all over this one.

        But no. Nada. Not even a mention I can remember.

        Okay, I dreamed it, I guess. But I had to ask in case I’m not a brain-damaged as I think…?

        Come on! My insanity depends on this!

            1. Lol I reply from the admin page, newer comments are at the top and I read from top to bottom.
              SO SORRY for not giving you the attention you seek. Forgive me? 🙂

                1. Mugshot! Mugshot! Mugshot! Mugshot! Or is this it?

                  A mug shot or mugshot (an informal term for police photograph, or booking photograph), is a photographic portrait typically taken after a person is arrested.[1][2] The purpose of the mug shot is to allow law enforcement to have a photographic record of the arrested individual to allow for identification by victims and investigators
                  The Felon

              1. Whacha’ looking for? I want a fully-outfitted zombie-apocalypse survival vehicle.

                Which reminds me, Walking Dead is back with new episodes Sunday. Do you recap the Dead? That’s some scary stuff, so your levity would be greatly appreciated.

                1. I would like the green suv from TWD. That thing never seems to run out of gas, need an oil change, or get a flat tire.
                  I think I did recap TWD before. It’s not funny though…

                  1. Hubs and I often marvel at the gas mileage they get on that show.

                    Did you see the photoshop Mickey Mouth did for me of Michonne? I’ve only done 2 blogs on that show, but not recaps, just more commentary. Oddly, they seem to have lots of staying power.

                    1. I didn’t see the photoshop. I liked the show season 1, but overall I’m disappointed in it.
                      They should have done it LOST style where they show their lives before the zombies. That would have made it 100x better
                      I feel like the writers are just lazy or something… I don’t care about any of these characters, I’m almost rooting for the zombies
                      On LOST I used to cry when someone died LOL
                      There was so much they could have done with this show but I feel like they really dropped the ball

                    2. Do you watch Talking Dead? The after show? They are starting to take the show in a new direction next season. As far as what’s left of this one, it’s going to be fast and furious according to the writers & producers.

                    3. (I hope this comes up in order, as I’m having to click my own comment to reply. lol)

                      RCH, Mickey Mouth did a nice photoshop of MEchonne, Zombie Slayer, which I included on one of the 2 blogs I did about “The Walking Dead”. It’s here, if you want to check it out–it’s the 2nd graphic, as I did the first with “many hands”:


                      The thing about TWDead is you have to just take the parts you like and forgive the rest. Some moments are EPIC, like the girl Sophia coming out of the barn, and also, Rick’s “gunfight”.

                      But yeah, there’s plenty of “Man, why didn’t they do this or that or the other?”

                      You probably know that this series is created by the man who also writes the adult comic books of the same name? While they do change lots thing from the comic book story for the TV series, they try to keep the general atmosphere of anarchy and nihilism. I read a few of the comic books–there’s like 120+ now–and they were too depressing for me.

                      Anyway…this season continues tonight after a months long “mid-season 4” break, something they started last season which I really hate, but lots of cable shows do it now.

                    4. I sure hope one of you two blog about it- What’s your take on Judith, is she dead? I’m over the moon excited it’s on tonight – I’ve been watching mini-marathon since yesterday.

                    5. Who’s judith? The baby? No way, the fact that they showed the baby carrier all dramatic like that proves that she’s still alive (imo). They want us to think she’s dead. I think it would be cool if they don’t answer the question about what happened to her for a while until she pops up years later fighting for some opposite team and kills Rick, but he lives long enough to tell her that he’s her dad right before he passes away. That would be great!

                    6. So, who would keep her and raise her? You must fill in the time from now till the end – I’m hoping it’s on an island they could all set up camp for good & Rick has turned into the governor & Judith is fighting for human rights.

                    7. Someone grabbed her in the middle of the attack, so I think that person would raise her for a bit, but then they die and she gets handed off to some other people who take care of her but don’t know who Rick is. She grows up always wondering about her dad and all she knows about him is some story about a Prison they used to live in.
                      She never knew a world before the zombies so I think she would grow up super fucked up. Like a real sociopath.

  8. @put When you did the post on associated content on 11/19/2010 you inspired me to sign up. I signed up that day

    My Adventures With Associated Content

    I have not had the chance to write anything yet because I have so many other blogs to keep track of. How about you give me a hand?

    We can just blame on the girl in Canada. After all, the Canadian girl is responsible for world hunger and my storage units.

  9. Censoring the old bad now?

    @put When you did the post on associated content on 11/19/2010 you inspired me to sign up. I signed up that day

    I have not had the chance to write anything yet because I have so many other blogs to keep track of. How about you give me a hand?

    We can just blame on the girl in Canada. After all, the Canadian girl is responsible for world hunger and my storage units.

  10. I have this family member who likes everything I like. Sheep dogs. Should I post pictures and emails to prove it? Do I have to make my own blog? Maybe Yahoo will let me just post it there. I have so many accounts. *snickers*

    Law Enforcement has been faxed. I can not wait until they found out it my own doing revealing who I was. I am going to look really stupid for saying my laptop got hacked at a hospital.
    I better stop posting emails in yahoo groups.
    I better stop making people look crazy when they question me about a 501.
    I have waited to tell these secrets.
    I asked 15 people and no one would tell.
    I better be nice and take my windblown ass back on my timeline and stop picking on people and commenting under anonymous names.

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